Zoom Vortex Lash Adhesive Mixer
Zoom Vortex Lash Adhesive Mixer

Vortex Lash Adhesive Mixer


Are you getting the best out of your adhesives?

Poorly mixed adhesive = poor lash retention and poor lash retention = unhappy clients.

Lash Adhesives can be tricky. There’s so many different factors that can cause problems. The more of those factors you can control, the less chance that you’ll have angry clients returning to you because of retention issues.

Making use of the same technology as medical and scientific research labs across the globe, the Vortex Mixer replaces the time wasting, wrist wrenching work of shaking adhesives by hand for 2 minutes or more.

Simply press your adhesive bottle on the top of the vortex unit for 2 minutes at the beginning of a lash day and 30 seconds before each new drop poured and you’re ready to go, safe in the knowledge that you’re getting the best possible performance out of your adhesive.

And with the time you’ll save the Vortex will pay for itself in a matter of months, if not, weeks.

Less prep time = more clients and more clients = more money.

The Vortex is quality built and made to last. It features both touch and continuous operations modes and unlike other units on the market has an Australian power plug so there’s no need for adaptors.

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Vendor: Lash Sublime